Okay! Now, let's do a really fun demo of creating some game. And how to collaborate with the model to create an interesting game. And I'm going to ask the model to create a spaceship battle game with some competitive scoring system. And being very interactive and have some retro futuristic feel. So let's see what it will come up with. Again, we asked the model to generate a self-contained HTML file so that it would be easy for us to pass. I'm going to copy. I'm also going to ask the model to add some logs, so be easier for us to debug later. And while we're doing that, I'm going to copy and paste in the HTML file and let's see the result of it. Ok, so, as you can see in this visualization was trying to like add some image where we don't have access to. So I'm going to find where it's trying to do that. And we'll select a targeted area and ask it to replace it with some more like a space field background. "Replace this with black background. And then as you can see it changes the background color. So let's see if it made it change. And yes, it changed the background. As you can see, if I press key/space It will start shooting But as you can see the logic a little bit off because I want the game to end when my green square interacts with the purple one. So let's add this logic in. So I'm going to prompted. In the following way. I want to implement the logic where it would fail when my square would hit the red square, make it like a game with failures and leveling. And you can see exactly where it made changes. So it created this function check ship collision and let's see if it worked. So now if I tried to hit the square, the game is over. Cool. Maybe we can add some logic when the game is over. "When the game is over, display the results of the score, and have a key to restart." So now it added, the div, same game over, your final score. Restart. Press R to restart the game." And hopefully the logic for the game over will be much smoother. So I'm going to copy and paste the code. Put it here. And see if it changed the logic. Okay cool. And now to restart. I'm going to shoot, collisions. It reflects my score. So now we can see the model reflected this final scoring game. And we can press R to restart the game. So right now I'm not pressing the R and it's restart the game. Cool. Now I would like to add some more visual features. And prompted to create a feel of space with stars and moving orbits. So it does feel like a spaceship battle game. Let's see what it will come up with. So it creates draw stars function. It doesn't change any other parts of the game. Let's restart. Now we can see a much futuristic feel about the game. And yeah, you can play it and share the game with your friends. It's very exciting. You made a spaceship game from scratch. Let's make this game a little more fun and complicated by asking to make the enemies spaceship, the pink ones, to gradually speeding up. So let's see what changes it actually made. Created the function. The variable enemy speed. So hopefully it will create the functionality for this. Let's try it again. I'm not sure if they're gradually moving faster, it. Here. Make it faster. The model will try to rewrite the code. But usually not moving the logic. Okay. So feels like a pretty fast. Yeah, Yeah, definitely faster. I guess we can you can continue iterate on this game and, like, make it more, hotter and, like, more fun to play with. But this is a good starting point that we created again from scratch.