just want to train a model. Our ultimate goal is to create a new large language model that performs the task we care about better than the original large language model. So, in this final lesson of this course, we're going to discuss some different strategies for evaluation, and take a look at results from the newly tuned model. Let's get started. There are a few different things we can look at when evaluating large language models, though I should mention that LLM evaluation is still very much a developing area of research, and there's a lot more to say than what we can fit in this single lesson. But at a high level, here's what we might look at. First, we can look at the training curves, like loss produced during the training process to see if the model is actually learning. You might have done something like this in the past when training neural networks or other machine learning models. Second, we can look at automation metrics. These are measures of performance that can be calculated using algorithms or mathematical formulas that require ground truth. So, this might include some familiar metrics like accuracy or F1, or some metrics more common to generative tasks like the Rouge Family of Metrics, which help you to determine how similar a piece of generated text is to a human generated reference text. Third, we can do side-by-side evaluation where we compare the performance of two models against each other using one set of input prompts. This allows you to calculate the win rate, which tells you what percent of the winning responses were produced by a particular model. In the case of RLHF, researchers have found that the training curves and side-by-side evaluation have been most useful. So, if you're familiar with the Rouge Metric and you're wondering why that's not as valuable, even though it's often used for summarization tasks, it turns out the score might not be a suitable measurement for RLHF because it's not really the objective that RLHF aims for. In other words, the Rouge Score does not describe the alignment with human preferences very well. It simply tells you how close the generated text is to some reference text. So, some research has even shown that the more severely we optimize for Rouge, the worse the model performance is in the case of RLHF. So, we're gonna start by taking a look at some of the training curves. The Vertex AI RLHF pipeline that we created in the previous lesson outputs some training curves to TensorBoard. TensorBoard is an open source project for machine learning experiment visualization. And you can install TensorBoard with pip install Tensorboard. But again, this is already installed in this environment for you. So, we're going to examine these curves to see how well the model is learning. After we've loaded the tensor board extension, we can launch Tensorboard. So, we'll do that again with the percent sign. This time we'll type tensor board and then you'll type dash dash log dir. And then you'll need to provide a folder that has your Tensorboard log files. So in this case, I've gone ahead and I've uploaded the Tensorboard log files for the reward model training to this directory called reward logs. So, we can actually take a look at what is in this directory. And you'll see there's one file and it ends with this very long string of numbers here, 110V2. And this is the log file that was created during the training process. So in a minute, I will show you how you can find these log files for your own training jobs. But before we do that, let's just go ahead and take a look at what's in this file and visualize it with TensorBoard. So, if we execute the cell right here, we will see that this launches TensorBoard. So, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to scroll down to rank loss, which is the metric that we care about right now. This is the loss function that was used to train the reward model. So, like other loss functions, generally what you want to see is this curve decreasing over time and then converging. So, starting to plateau here, which is exactly what you see here. And in fact, it looks like it converged, and we kept training for quite a while after that. So, if you were going to run another tuning job with the same data, you might want to train for even fewer steps. So, this actually looks pretty good. So, let's go ahead and take a look at the curves produced during the RL loop. So again, I'm going to call the command Tensorboard and we'll say log dir. And this time we will pass in a different directory. And this is a directory I've created that has a log file for the reinforcement learning step. And like I mentioned earlier, I'm going to show you how to find these files in just a minute, but let's first take a look at what they look like. So, this will launch TensorBoard again, and we can scroll up here. And what we want to take a look at here are two particular metrics. The first is the KL loss. This tells us how much the model is deviating from the original base model. So, what you want this to look like is you want to see a curve that's increasing and then eventually it starts to plateau. That's not quite what's happening here. It looks like the KL loss is kind of all over the place and it starts off higher, it starts to decrease, doesn't quite look like it's converging. And in fact, if we collapse this and we take a look at the reward, we also will see that this is also all over the place. So ideally, the reward curve should also increase over time as the model learns, the reward gets higher and higher, and at some point, it will plateau. So ideally, this is what we would want both of these curves to look like. You can see this KL loss continues to increase, and at some point it sort of plateaus. And the same thing for the reward. The reward keeps climbing higher and higher until at some point it plateaus. But we're not really seeing that for either the KL loss or the reward here in these Tensorboard files. And so that's a pretty good indication that your model isn't really learning. In fact, in this case, it kind of seems like it's under fitting because there's no real trend here in either the curves from the KL loss and the reward. But in this particular case, that wasn't too surprising. These were log files I pulled from tuning the model on a small subset, around 1% of the total data set. So next, let's take a look at some logs that were produced when we train on the full data set. So we'll call this tensorboard command one more time. And again, we'll say logdir, and we'll pass in one last directory, which is called reinforcer full data logs. And if we launch tensorboard here, we should see that our curves look a little bit closer to what we're expecting. So you can see that the KL loss here continues to increase and increase and increase. And at some point it sort of starts to plateau. The same thing for the reward. We can see that again, this is increasing, which is exactly the kind of behavior we want to see. We want to see that the reward increases over time until at some point it stabilizes. So, these were some training curves that were generated from a large-scale tuning job run by my teammate, Bethany. She actually ran a bunch of experiments with this Reddit data set and the Lama 2 model. And I can show you what parameters she used specifically to achieve these results. So, here is the dictionary parameter values that we created in the previous lesson. And for starters, for the preference data set, the prompt data set, and the evaluation data set, she trained on the full data set instead of the smaller subsampled version of the data set. So, if I adjust this path here, this is the Google Cloud Storage path that leads to the full data set for all three of these. So instead of text small, the directory here is just called text. She fine-tuned the Lama 2 model, and the reward model train steps were set to 10,000, as well as the reinforcement learning train steps. Reward model learning rate multiplier was 1.0, and the reinforcement learning rate multiplier was 0.2. The KL coefficient was set to the default of 0.1, and the instruction was the same as before, summarize in less than 50 words. So now, let me show you how you can access these TensorBoard files for yourself and your own projects. So currently, we've just been interacting with Google Cloud in a notebook via the Python SDK. But if you go to console.cloud.google.com and go to your Google Cloud project under the Vertex AI section, you'll see a little button that says pipelines. So, if you select pipelines in the console, it will open up all of the pipelines in a particular region that you've run. And so under Runs, you can go ahead and select your pipeline here. It should be somewhat easy to find. It should have the same name that we gave it earlier, which was RLHF Train Template. And when you click on this pipeline, it will open up that visualization that I showed you earlier of all of the boxes and all of the lines. Once you've opened your pipeline, you can zoom into the top right corner where it says reward model trainer. As a reminder, this is the component that executes training of the reward model. You can see that this component produces an artifact called a Tensorboard Metrics. So, if we were to click on this Tensorboard Metrics box, you can see that this component produces an artifact called TensorBoard Metrics. it will pop up on the right-hand side with this URI over here, which is a path in Google Cloud Storage. And if you click on this path right here, it will open up the TensorBoard logs for you. If you want to find the specific file within that directory yourself, you should see something called events out TF events that will end in w110v2. But that's how you find your specific Tensorboard logs for the reward model trainer. For the reinforcement learning loop, it's pretty similar. You'll just click on the reinforcer component and then open up the corresponding tensor board metrics artifact that is produced. And again, that will also open up a URI, which is a path in Cloud Storage. And if you click on that path, you'll be able to find your TensorBoard logs. The training curves that we looked at can help us get a sense of whether or not our model is learning. But at the end of the day, with these large language models, sometimes the best way to evaluate them is just to look at the end of the day, with these large language models, sometimes the best way to evaluate them is just to look at the completions that they produce for a set of input prompts. So, you might remember that in the previous lesson, when we created our pipeline job, we passed in an evaluation data set. This is a data set of prompts, no completions, just summarization prompts. We're calling this an evaluation data set, but it might differ from how you are used to using evaluation datasets with machine learning in the past. This dataset is just passed to the tuned model for a bulk inference job. So, what that means is that once our model has been tuned, we generate completions for all of the prompts in this evaluation dataset. We don't calculate any metrics. We're just calling the model and producing some kind of text output. So, to make that all a little bit more concrete, let's take a look at some of these evaluation results. I've gone ahead and loaded in a small subset of the evaluation results here for you to examine. And this is also a JSON-L file. So, we'll start by importing JSON. Then we will define the path to where these results are. So, we'll call this eval tuned path equals eval results tuned dot JSONL. Next, we'll define an empty list like we did before. We'll call this eval data tuned, and then we will loop over this JSONL file and append the data to our empty list. Next, I'm going to use that printD function that we defined in the second lesson, which just helped us to visualize the keys and values for a dictionary. So, we will import printD. And once we've done that, we can use it. So, I'll call printD. And let's take a look at the first element in this list. So, this first element here is a dictionary that has a key called inputs. The value for inputs is itself another dictionary that has a key called inputs pretokenized. And if we look at that value here, we'll see that this is a prompt. It's got our instruction summarized in less than 50 words. This was the instruction that we set in the instruction parameter when we kicked off the pipeline and it's been prepended to our evaluation data set. After that, we have the Reddit post. So before anything, not a sad story or anything, my country's equivalent of Valentine's Day is coming up, and I had this pretty simple idea to surprise my girlfriend, and it would involve giving her some roses, etc. This prompt also ends with summary, colon, and brackets, which we saw in the second lesson. So, this prompt here was sent to the tuned model and the tune model produced this prediction result down here, which says my country's equivalent to Valentine's Day is coming. Want to surprise my girlfriend with roses, but I don't know if she would like getting some any ideas on how to get that information out of her without spoiling the surprise. So, this is the summary that our tuned model produced for this input prompt. So next, let's do some side-by-side evaluation. What this means is we're going to look at some completions on the same set of prompts for our Lama 2 model before and after we've run this tuning job. Next, I'm going to load in a file that has inference results from the base model. This is the Lama 2 model before we executed tuning. So first, we'll define the path to this dataset, and it has the exact same input prompts that our evaluation dataset we were just looking at has as well. And again, we'll create a new empty list. These are the results from the untuned model, and we can loop over this file. And each time we do that, we will append the data to this list here. So now, we have two lists. We have a data set that has results from the tuned Lama 2 model. And then we have a data set that has results from the tuned Lama 2 model and then we have a data set that has results from the untuned Lama 2 model. If we look at the first example in this untuned data set what you'll see is that the prompt is the same, but the completion is going to be different because it came from the model before we ran our RLHF tuning job. You can see that it's the same prompt as before about Valentine's day and roses, but the prediction is different. The untuned model produced a summary. The author wants to surprise his girlfriend with roses on Valentine's Day, but he doesn't know if she likes roses. He wants to find out without spoiling the surprise. So, if we scroll back up to the completion produced by the tuned model, you can see that it is in fact different. And one difference you might notice is that the tuned model produced a summary in first person. So, in the same voice as the original Reddit poster, while the untuned model refers to the author instead of saying it in the same voice as the person posting on Reddit. But take a look and see if you can find any other differences and which of the two responses you prefer. To make it easier to compare all of the results so we don't have to keep printing each element and scrolling up and down like this, I'm going to put everything into a data frame so we can do some real side-by-side evaluation. The first thing I'll do is make a list of the prompts. So, we'll call these prompts. OK, so what I'm doing here is I'm looping over the data set of results from the tuned model. And for each sample in that data set, I'm extracting the value for inputs pretokenized. So, that's going to correspond to the prompts. So if we execute this, we can then take a look at what we've created here. And that is a list of all of the prompts in this data set. So, you can see here's one prompt, here's another, et cetera. So now, that we've extracted all the prompts, we're going to extract the completions for both the untuned base model and the tuned model. So first, we'll extract the completions from the model before it went through tuning. Called this Untuned Completions, and this time will be extracting the value for the prediction key. And if we do that, we will have a list of completions. And these are the completions from the untuned model. We'll do this one more time and extract the completions for the model after it went through tuning. So, this is going to look really similar to the previous cell. We're just going to be looping over the data set with completions from the model after tuning. And if we look at that, you can see that this is also a list of completions and this is from the model after it's gone through tuning. So lastly, we're going to put everything together in one big data frame. So to do that, we will first import pandas and then I'm going to make a data frame called results. And for the data in this data frame, we'll make one column called Prompt. And here, we will pass in that list of prompts. Then we will make another column called Base Model. And this is going to be the completion for that specific prompt generated by the model before it was tuned with RLHF. And then, we'll make a final column called Tuned Model. And this is the completion for the prompt that was generated after the model was tuned with RLHF. And just so we can visualize all of this on the screen here, I'm going to set a pandas option all of this on the screen here, I'm going to set a pandas option to display max call with, and this will just help us to visualize this a little nicer. All right. So, let's take a look at our results data frame. There are, we scroll up to the top here, three columns. We've got our prompt, and this prompt here is the same one we looked at earlier about roses and Valentine's Day. And then, we've got the completion generated by the model before tuning, and the completion generated by the model after tuning. And there are a few more prompts in here. This one is about a senior in high school who wants to study computer science in here. This one is about a senior in high school who wants to study computer science in college. This one here is about applying to jobs. And we've got one at the bottom here about applying for credit cards. So, you can take a look at all of the data in this data frame here and do your own side-by-side evaluation where you try and identify which of the two completions you prefer, the response from the model before tuning or the response from the model after tuning. But that's essentially how you would do a side by side evaluation. Now, if you're wondering for your own RLHF tuning jobs, how do you access the batch evaluation results? Well, you'll do this again by going into the Cloud Console and opening up your pipeline. But this time, you will zoom in on the component that says perform inference. Under Perform Inference, you'll see a component called Bulk Infer. This is the component that just performs a bulk inference job, meaning it takes in our JSONL file of prompts in our evaluation data set, and then calls the model to produce completions for each one of those prompts. If you click on that component, you'll see on the right-hand side a box pop-up that says output parameters. And specifically, the parameter output prediction GCS path will point to a location in Google Cloud Storage that has the JSON-L file. So, you can click on that link and then download the JSON-L file and take a look at the results. So to finish off today, I want to talk about two new interesting techniques in the world of RLHF. The first is RLAIF, or Scaling Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with AI Feedback. This is a really interesting technique where we are actually creating preference data sets that are labeled by an off-the-shelf large language model. So previously, when we looked at the preference data set, it was labeled by human labelers, but actually in the research area, they're now looking at different ways to use a large language model to actually create that preference data set. So, this is a pretty interesting paper that I would recommend taking a look at if you're curious to see how we might use an AI model to help generate a preference data set. And then similarly in the topic of using LLMs to help us in this RLHF process, another interesting technique is called auto side-by-side, and this is where you perform side-by-side evaluation like we did in the notebook, but instead of having a human being look at the results before and after tuning, you actually use a third arbitrage model, which is itself a large language model instead of a human labeler. So, what this means is that this third large language model looks at the responses from both the untuned model and then the tuned model and determines which one it likes better, and it often also provides an explanation. So, you can see a screenshot here in the slides from the auto side-by-side service in Google Cloud where we have a prompt, we have the response from the untuned model and the response from the tuned model which looks pretty similar to the panda's data frame that we created. But after that, there's a column that indicates which of the two completions, the third large language model preferred, as well as an explanation provided by that third large language model as to why it preferred that specific result. But these are just some interesting new areas of research that hopefully give you an idea for how this field is evolving. So that wraps up our lesson on evaluating the results from RLHF. So I'll see you in the next video where we will conclude the course and wrap up everything that we've learned.